Thursday, November 24

The Mayflower and the Speedwell

I'm not a poet but every once in awhile when God inspires him, my husband is.  This poem touched my heart!  I hope you enjoy it.

The Mayflower & The Speedwell at Dartmouth Harbor

Two ships were commissioned,
precious cargo to bear,
the seeds of a nation,
God's hand would prepare,
These ships you may know,
called Speedwell and Mayflower,
on them pilgrims and strangers,
set forth the same hour,
a moral herein,
may be found if you wonder,
at the names of these ships,
take a minute and ponder...
one ship returned back,
to old Plymouth you see,
for leaks in it's vessel,
meant it was not to be,
but the other pressed on,
fought through sickness and gale,
the souls below deck,
tossed and turned and grew pale,
yet faith replaced fear,
and New Plymouth drew near.
If you're asking what lesson,
can I glean from this tale?
well I'll tell you this moment,
yes I will without fail,
One ship bears a name,
Speedwell, one would think,
would get you there quickly,
strait shot, in a blink;
But if in this life,
we'd brave the dark grief,
God's lovely May flowers,
give His pilgrims relief,
in them we can glimpse,
dim light though it be,
a brand new Creation,
where we will be free,
One day we will land,
after much weary sailing,
He'll take us in hand,
not a word of our failing.
We'll see of Him then,
as He sees us now,
"Well done", He'll proclaim,
as we wonder how,
we made it across,
such a forbidding sea,
T'was the blood of the Cross,
made it possible for thee.

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